Train Reservation chart and Vacancy status

To check the vacancy and reservation status of seat, please enter the train number, date of train journey start and the coach. Currently individual name details are not disclosed in online charts by Indian railway or irctc for privacy and safety, but the same is available with station master.

Chart preparation time

The chart preparation time of Indian trains is around 4 hours before the scheduled departure time. The Final chart can be re-finalized before 30mins too. Exception is for train starting during night. For these the chart is prepared in the night before to ease onboarding of the passengers during night.


Can i book ticket after chart preparation? Yes, you can book train tickets after the first chart preparation. Post that in a running train you need to contact TT to allocate any empty seats.

Can i cancel ticket after chart is prepared? You can only cancel before the chart preparation. Incase the case of RAC or WL, you can cancel the ticket 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time as they can be allotted during re-finalization of list.

Travelling on WL ticket: You can travel in WL ticket only for the physical ticket. Note: Tickets created online and are in waiting are auto cancelled before 30mins of departure!

How to check name in train chart online? Indian railways does not provide name details online to safeguard them. But these details are available with station master, TT and employees.

Disclaimer: This site is not directly affiliated by Indian Railways or IRCTC. We collect data from Indian Railways ( or IRCTC ( or other third-party services and present that data. For current live updated data or last minute changes please consult with the railway authorities or officials.